Events & Webinar

Parkinson's Disease
The PD_Pal project is working on a new model of palliative care and novel PD management Guidelines that can be easily implemented and integrated in modern healthcare systems. In this webinar you will be presented with an historical introduction of Parkinson's disease, its etiology and neurobiological mechanisms. We will explore the peripheral and central metabolism of the main symptomatic treatment options and the evolution of levodopa response throughout disease course.
Funded by the H2020 Programme of the European Commission under the Grant Agreement no. 825785
Angelo Antonini

Interdisciplinary approaches for the management of PD
The PD_Pal project is working on a new model of palliative care and novel PD management Guidelines that can be easily implemented and integrated in modern healthcare systems. In this webinar you will be presented with an overview of the needs in Parkinson's disease and benefits of multidisciplinary care for Parkinson's disease. We will discuss the need for specialised training and education for health care professionals and the emerging strategies and models for enabling better care of these patients.
Funded by the H2020 Programme of the European Commission under the Grant Agreement no. 825785
David Pedrosa
Palliative care principles and concepts
The World Health Organization (WHO) has made a strong commitment towards developing palliative care structures as an important component of integrated treatment for young and old patients at any stage of illness. This commitment includes also Parkinson’s disease (PD) with patients and their caregivers having considerable (and mounting) unmet physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs, and experiencing great problems with coordination and continuity of care. Accordingly, the PD_Pal project is working on a new model of palliative care and novel PD management Guidelines that can be easily implemented and integrated in modern healthcare systems. This webinar will discuss about the palliative care principles, get introduced to the multi-dimensionality of human-being and the complexity of accepting death and non-ideal outcomes. Understanding the dynamic involvement of palliative care throughout the illness. Get familiar with patient-family oriented care management competencies.
David Oliver, Simone Veronese

Providing care for caregivers
The PD_Pal project is working on a new model of palliative care and novel PD management Guidelines that can be easily implemented and integrated in modern healthcare systems. This webinar is focused on care for caregivers: How to cope with all symptoms and stress coming up with the disease? How to prevent the psychological burden in caregivers for patients with late-stage PD?
Funded by the H2020 Programme of the European Commission under the Grant Agreement no. 825785
Stefan Lorenzl

Getting on with Life (Living with Parkinson's)
The PD_Pal project is working on a new model of palliative care and novel PD management Guidelines that can be easily implemented and integrated in modern healthcare systems. This webinar will be about patient's view about the impact that Parkinson's disease has on day to day life, with a particular attention to women's perspective.
This webinar will discuss coping and facilitating factors and barriers to proper communication of information and needs.
Funded by the H2020 Programme of the European Commission under the Grant Agreement no. 825785
Sabela Avion Martinez

Loss, grief management and bereavement
The PD_Pal project is working on a new model of palliative care and novel PD management Guidelines that can be easily implemented and integrated in modern healthcare systems. In this webinar:
When do we need support for grief in Parkinson's disease? Which are the most effective treatments and approaches? How a palliative care approach can address those needs?
Funded by the H2020 Programme of the European Commission under the Grant Agreement no. 825785
Andrea Bovero

Managing common symptoms in late stage Parkinsonisms
The PD_Pal project is working on a new model of palliative care and novel PD management Guidelines that can be easily implemented and integrated in modern healthcare systems. In this webinar:
What are the most common symptoms in the last phase of PD? How they can be addressed?
How do socioeconomic factors affect access to rehabilitation treatments?
Funded by the H2020 Programme of the European Commission under the Grant Agreement no. 825785
Stefan Lorenzl

Advanced Parkinson's disease, Death and Dying
The PD_Pal project is working on a new model of palliative care and novel PD management Guidelines that can be easily implemented and integrated in modern healthcare systems. In this webinar:
Which are the ethical issues when conducting research with persons with cognitive impairment?
Funded by the H2020 Programme of the European Commission under the Grant Agreement no. 825785
Sandra Martins Pereira

Inequities and Social support in Palliative Care
The PD_Pal project is working on a new model of palliative care and novel PD management Guidelines that can be easily implemented and integrated in modern healthcare systems. In this webinar we will explore palliative care through the lens of a more holistic, wellness-focused approach. Health care barriers, unmet needs and gender and cultural disparities will be also focus of discussion.
Funded by the H2020 Programme of the European Commission under the Grant Agreement no. 825785
Indu Subramanian

Advance Care Planning and Advanced Directives
The PD_Pal project is working on a new model of palliative care and novel PD management Guidelines that can be easily implemented and integrated in modern healthcare systems. This webinar will discuss about conceptualization, challenges and barriers to the access of palliative care. Get familiar with conversations about Advance Care Planning.
Victor McConvey
Parkinson’s Disease and its management
The PD_Pal project is working on a new model of palliative care and novel PD management Guidelines that can be easily implemented and integrated in modern healthcare systems. This webinar will discuss about Which are the therapeutic options for Parkinson’s Disease (PD); The indications, effectiveness and adverse effects of drug and surgery treatments; The role of non-pharmacological therapies and of allied professionals.
Pille Taba
Funded by the H2020 Programme of the European Commission under the Grant Agreement no. 825785