Learning Objectives
Identify and describe the losses (and their impact) that patients and their families face across the illness trajectory and (for families) after death.
Differentiate between loss, grief, bereavement and mourning, including triggers for abnormal of prolonged grief reactions.
Identify common loss/grief models and describe their value for practice, including identification of complex grief.
Summary & Scheduling
Focuses on loss, grief and bereavement. It includes the definitions, explains the healthcare relevant management strategies, and inspects helpful and unhelpful coping strategies.
Learning Content
Attitude: Participants understand how people deal with the loss. They also appreciate that grief is a natural process which should not be medicalised.
Knowledge: Participants will get to know about:
• Definitions of loss, grief, mourning, bereavement.
• Theories and types of loss, grief and bereavement.
• The interplay of loss and grief.
• The different aspects and stages of grief.
• Coping strategies.
• Clinical indications of poor coping.
Skills: Healthcare professionals will be able to identify grief patterns. They will also be able to use the clinical indicators of poor coping and intervene as necessary.
Teaching Methods
• Video/ Audio introduction
• Presentation (slides)
• Video interview with xxxxx
• Video: 1 Question to Stefan
• Reading materials
• Gofton TE, Chum M, Schulz V, et al. Challenges facing palliative neurology practice: A qualitative analysis. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2018;385:225-31.
• Fox S, Azman A, Timmons S. Palliative care needs in Parkinson’s disease: focus on anticipatory grief in family carers. Ann Palliat Med 2020;9(Suppl 1):S34-S43.
• Ryan K, Connolly M, Charnley K, Ainscough A, Crinion J, Hayden C, Keegan O, Larkin P, Lynch M, McEvoy D, McQuillan R, O’Donoghue L, O’Hanlon M, Reaper-Reynolds S, Regan J, Rowe D, Wynne M; Palliative Care Competence Framework Steering Group. (2014). Palliative Care Competence Framework. Dublin: Health Service Executive
• Ma HI, Saint-Hilaire M, Thomas CA, Tickle-Degnen L. Stigma as a key determinant of health-related quality of life in Parkinson’s disease. Qual Life Res. 2016. 25(12):3037-3045.
• Oehlberg K, Barg FK, Brown GK, Taraborelli D, Stern MB, Weintraub D. Attitudes regarding the etiology and treatment of depression in Parkinson’s disease: a qualitative study. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol. 2008. 21(2):123-32.
• Penner LA.& Roger K 2012. The person in the room: how relating holistically contributes to an effective patient-care provider alliance. Communication & Medicine, 9, 49-58.
• Diane Wepa (Ed.), Cultural Safety in Aotearoa New Zealand (2nd ed). 2015.
• Bowlby, J. (1980) Attachment and Loss Vol. 3 London: Pelican Books
• Doka KJ (1989) Disenfranchised Grief: Recognizing Hidden Sorrow. Lexington: Lexington Books
• Silverman and Klass (1996) Continuing bonds. New Understandings of grief. Phil.PA, USA: Taylor and Francis.
• Kübler-Ross E (1969) On Death and Dying, Macmillan, New York NY
• Kübler-Ross, E. and Kessler, D. (2005) On Grief and Grieving. London: Bath Press/Simon & Schuster
• Rando, T.A (1993) Treatment of Complicated Mourning IL: Research Press.
• Stroebe, M.& Schut, H. (1999) The dual process model of coping with bereavement: rationale and description. Death Studies, Vol.23 pp 197-224
• Worden, J.W. (2003) Grief Counselling and Grief Therapy. 3rd ed. Hove: Brunner-Routledge
• Video/ Audio introduction
• Presentation (slides)
• Video interview with xxxxx
• Video: 1 Question to Stefan
• Reading materials